What Can I Expect During Morning Worship?

We do a lot of the typical things you expect in church — we sing songs, there is some preaching from the Bible, there is prayer, and once a month we engage in the sacrament of communion, also known as the Lord’s Supper or the Eucharist.

But we try to do them in a way that is inclusive and engaging to people from many walks of life. There are loud moments, and quiet moments. There are moments of declaration, and moments of introspection. There are serious moments, and funny moments. Babies and kids make noises, and it’s okay. Cell phones go off sometimes. In our authentic imperfections, God is still present.

A typical service order might look like the following: 
      • A gathering song of worship
      • A greeting & a few announcements
      • A call to worship
      • A few more songs of praise & worship
      • Scripture reading
      • Preaching
      • A time of prayer in response
      • Receiving tithes and offering
      • One final sending song
      • A benediction (or “sending word”).


More FAQs
(frequently asked questions):

How do people dress? What should I wear if I come to Sunset Covenant? 
Wear what you feel comfortable in. Wear something that allows you to engage in worship with your whole body. As long as it’s not a distraction to anyone (including yourself!), you should be fine.

What time does service start, and how long does it last? 
We start at 10AM…ish. We’re usually done between 11:15 and 11:30.

What’s the music like?
We aim for a cross-cultural, multigenerational mix of worship music. Our worship musicians lead from piano, guitar, and from a multitrack keyboard sequencer. We do a variety of worship tunes, hymns and choruses, spanning genres (gospel, CCM, hip-hop, blues, rock) and generations (music from the last decade, music from the 70s, 80s and 90s, and hymns that date back hundreds of years).

Is there childcare and/or Sunday school?
On certain once-a-month Kids Sundays, we consistently arrange programming for children in elementary school and below. Other Sundays, we offer it as often as we have volunteers. 

When you do have childcare or Sunday school, what’s it like?
In the Children’s classroom, we do a mix of the Godly Play curriculum, stuff we write ourselves, and age appropriate storybooks. Children’s church always follows the same themes as is preached in the sanctuary.  The last Sunday of every month is has a special focus on interactive kids songs to get kids moving and the energy flowing.  These services support the life of our multi-generational community and our faith as a whole.  

What about middle school or high school youth?
We try to make our worship service engaging enough for middle and high-school kids to connect with, however for those who want a more youth-oriented approach, we also offer a 90-minute Bible study for middle and high school students, which starts after our main service, and runs from 12pm to 1:30pm.

What about connection points before service?
We’ve also got a couple who leads a Bible study starting at 9AM Sunday mornings.